聚焦时代 推介湖南(地方推介  企业推介  品优推介)


湖南·桃花源 心灵的故乡 中国桃花源

       桃花源始于秦,兴盛于唐宋,至今已有1600多年历史。晋代的桃川宫 ,唐代的桃川书院,明代的菊圃,清代的寻契馆等15处桃花源古建筑群,被国务院授予全国重点文物保护单位。传承下来的诗词文化 、古建文化、耕读文化 、儒道隐逸文化,是武陵文化的核心支撑,是中华文化的精髓集成。
       自《桃花源记》惊艳问世后,这里成了文人雅士的乌托邦,孟浩然 、李白 、韩愈 、苏轼等无数文人墨客来此游历,留下诸多珍贵诗文墨宝。107副楹联、108方碑刻、1000多幅帝王将相 、文人仕子的字画,2500多首古诗词和45卷历代著作,铸就了桃花源的文化瑰宝,集成了中华文化的丰富内涵。

       “Amid the Taiyuan era of Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wuling people lived on fishing, ascended a stream, forgetful of the distance he traveled, suddenly he came upon a grove of peach trees in blossom...” The Peach Colony, famous poem of Tao Yuanming, depicts the Taohuayuan of Changde, China.
       Hello everyone! I'm Wu Caixia, Secretary of the Party committee and director of the Management Committee of Taohuayuan tourism management zone, it's a great honor to introduce the beautiful paradise to you, Taohuayuan of Changde, China.
[Taohuayuan, the prototype of The Peach Colony]
       Taohuayuan is located at the foot of Wuling Mountain and by the Dongting Lake. Our ancestors lived in seclusion in the Qin Dynasty to avoid Wars. The natural environment here is wonderful and unique, you can feel the magic of mountain in desperate situation, experience the secret of water maze, see the beauty of mountain and water. Due to Wuling Mountain and Xuefeng mountain are facing each other across the river, Yuanjiang turns a 90 degree bend here, and there appears bailinzhou, which looks like Taiji, this created the ancient wonder of three rivers flowing together, three suns shining together, and paradise.
       In the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, when Tao Yuanming served as the assistant of the Jingzhou governor, Taohuayuan is located in Jingzhou. The Southern Qi geologists Ren Anping, Huang Min and others, first approved that the authentic creation of The Peach Colony was in Wuling, which is Changde in Hunan Province today. After thousands of years of testing, the Taohuayuan in Changde is the prototype of The Peach Colony’s origin annotated in Cihai and Ciyuan, which is also the real land of Taohuayuan noted in Chinese Textbooks of middle schools in China.
[Taohuayuan, An Integrated Place of Chinese Culture]
       Taohuayuan started from Qin, flourishing in Tang and Song Dynasties, it has a history of more than 1600 years. 15 ancient buildings in Taohuayuan such as Taochuan palace in Jin Dynasty, Taochuan Academy in Tang Dynasty, Chrysanthemum garden in Ming Dynasty, and Searching Hall in Qing Dynasty are awarded by the State Council as national key cultural relics protection units. Poetry culture, ancient architecture culture,farming-reading culture, seclusion culture of Confucianism and Taoism that have been inherited, are the core support of Wuling culture, integration of the essence of Chinese culture.
       Since The Peach Colony came out, here has become a Utopia for literati, Meng Haoran, Li Bai, Han Yu, Su Shi and many other literati   came here to visit and left many precious poems and calligraphy. 107 couplets, 108 inscription, over 1000 scripts and paintings of emperors,generals and literati, more than 2500 ancient poems and 45 volumes of historical works cast the cultural treasures of Taohuayuan, integrated the rich connotation of Chinese culture.
[Taohuayuan,yearning place for a better life]
       Our Taohuayuan people are hardworking, brave, open-minded and cheerful, we take guarding the spiritual home, inheriting the essence of culture as the pursuit, truly reappear the situation of The Peach Colony. Qinxi with fresh and fragrant grass, appreciate fallen petals, Qingu with open land and suddenly enlightened, came out of Tao Yuanming’s pen. The education of Chinese ancient civilization in Taochuan Academy, the intangible cultural heritage experience of Liuyi Workshop, are pursued by countless students. When the night falls, cattle herding, cloth washing, fishing, harvest by the side of Qinxi, the first "river theater" in the whole river basin in China, The Peach Colony, marvels your eyes,shocks your heart. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and wine. Good life in Taohuayuan, is the happy life of back to nature, unity of heaven and man, and loving each other.
       In 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the theme of Hunan Pavilion is "In Taohuayuan". In the 2019 Beijing World Horticultural Exposition, Hunan Garden is named after "Xiangyu·Taohuayuan". Taohuayuan has become a world-renowned bright tourist card of Hunan Province. “Nice field and farms, dogs and chickens are heard around old and young, contented ans happy”.
       Taohuayuan is a romantic poem, a beautiful painting, a lovely song, a millennium dream, it reposes our unremitting pursuit and yearning for a better life. Dear friends, we are looking forward to meet you at Taohuayuan,the spiritual hometown shared by Chinese all over the world.

指导单位:湖南省委宣传部、湖南省文化旅游厅 、湖南省新闻出版局、湖南省商务厅 、湖南省农业农村厅、湖南省科技厅湖南省乡村振兴局、湖南省工商联合会湖南省科技厅
